Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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Installation Procedures:
Installation Menu:
Wheεá yo⌡á firs⌠ invokσ thσ program¼á PROSPECT.EX┼ present≤ yo⌡á witΦá thi≤ ì
Prospect and Activity Tracking System |
Install Program |
| Please Choose One |
1) Install program for a hard disk
2) Install program for a floppy disk-based system [1 or 2 drives]
3) For Monitor, select B/White or Color Palette [now black & white]
4) Not implemented
ááá 5) Install automatic phone dialing through modem [Dialer OFF ]
H) Help
B) Turn off system 'BELL', reduces beeping [ Bell ON ]
C) Turn on billing/stopwatch subsystem [Timer system OFF ]
12 Pack===>D) Make your own software!: 'flavor' and terminology options
First time installation: Observe the options above. You must select either
options 1 or 2 LAST. To select an option, enter one key, without a Return.
A≤ yo⌡ revie≈ thσ installatioε procedures¼á observσ tha⌠ yo⌡ mus⌠ selec⌠ ▒ o≥ ì
▓ LAST¼á anΣ tha⌠ oncσ insidσ thσ prograφ yo⌡ caε returε t∩ thi≤ men⌡ anytimσ ì
b∙ enterinτ thσ Othe≥ Option≤ Menu¼ Instal∞ option«
Thi≤ men⌡ wil∞ responΣ t∩ onσ keystroke«
| OPTION 1: |
1) Install program for a hard disk
Optioεá ▒ wil∞ instal∞ thσ prograφ fo≥ ß harΣ disk«á I⌠ perform≤ somσ systeφ ì
maintenance«á Iµ thσ prograφ detect≤ thσ presencσ oµ ß 'CONFIG.SYSº file¼ i⌠ ì
wil∞ appenΣ tw∩ command≤ t∩ it:
ááá Iµ not¼ the program wil∞ creatσ ß CONFIG.SY╙ filσ froφ scratch.
| OPTION 2: |
2) Install program for a floppy disk-based system [1 or 2 drives]
Optioε ▓ set≤ u≡ thσ prograφ fo≥ ß flopp∙ disδ system«á Oncσ yo⌡ selec⌠ thi≤ ì
option¼á thσá prograφ will¼á iε turn¼á asδ yo⌡ iµ yo⌡ havσ ▒ o≥ ▓ ì
disδ drive≤ iε you≥ computer.
| OPTION 3: |
3) For Monitor, select B/White or Color Palette [now black & white]
Jus⌠á prio≥á t∩ thi≤ menu¼á thσ prograφ attempt≤ t∩ discerε iµ yo⌡á havσá ß ì
monochromσ o≥ ß colo≥ screen«á Iµ your≤ i≤ color¼á yo⌡ caε selec⌠ froφ an∙ ì
onσ oµ 1░ colo≥ palettes«á A⌠ an∙ timσ iε thσ future¼ yo⌡ caε comσ bacδ t∩ ì
thi≤ optioε anΣ changσ thσ colo≥ settings!
| OPTION 4: |
Not implemented.
| OPTION 5: |
5) Install automatic phone dialing through modem [Dialer OFF ]
Optioε ╡ i≤ thσ automatiπ phonσ dialinτ systeφ anΣ i≤ covereΣ in:
Automatic Telephone Dialing System:...........................Appendix X
Generall∙ speaking¼ it≤ bes⌠ t∩ leavσ thi≤ optioε alonσ durinτ thσ firs⌠ timσ ì
installatioε anΣ comσ bacδ t∩ i⌠ afte≥ yo⌡ havσ gonσ througΦ thσ tutorial.
H) Help
áááThe Help option is the on line 'Help' screen.
B) Turn off system 'BELL', reduces beeping [ Bell ON ]
Optioε ┬ turn≤ thσ systeφ bel∞ 'onº o≥ 'off'«á A≤ yo⌡ becomσ morσ conversan⌠ ì
witΦá thi≤á prograφ througΦ it≤ tutorial¼á yo⌡ ma∙ elec⌠ t∩á turεá thi≤á bel∞ ì
C) Turn on billing/stopwatch subsystem [Timer system OFF ]
áááThi≤áá optioεá branche≤á t∩á ßá powerfu∞á billing/stopwatcΦá subsystem¼ ì
áááexplained in:
áááTime and Billing Stopwatch subsystem.........................Appendix F
[time and bill every activity, with up to 9 labor rates]
12 Pack===>D) Make your own software!: 'flavor' and terminology options
áááOptioε ─ i≤ thσ '1▓ Packº option«
Thi≤á prograφá i≤ s∩ comprehensivσ tha⌠ i⌠ caε functioε iε an∙á onσá oµ ì
ove≥ 2░ capacitie≤ [originall∙ 12¼á hencσ '1▓ Packº o≥ 1▓ Softwarσ Packages]« ì
Yo⌡ caε selec⌠ ho≈ yo⌡ wan⌠ thi≤ prograφ t∩ presen⌠ itselµ froφ thi≤ menu¼ o≥ ì
yo⌡ caε comσ bacδ t∩ thi≤ '1▓ Packº optioε a⌠ an∙ time.